We're Back

So Here's The Tea:
My school is closing for a month. So I figured, what better time to start posting Sister Scotland II: Sister Social Distancing. Because apparently the universe has a Rule that every year I have to be closed off from humanity for the entire month of March. It is what it is.

This time, we gon be a lil different. Since I have literally nothing going on until April 6th, there's gonna be a lot more snark to make up for the lack of action. I'm planning on 6 bi-weekly posts following the average day of someone who is very bored. I'm probably going to post a lot of art, so get ready for that. Maybe another food review, but what would I review? The same ramen flavor every day and a large package of water bottles we keep in the basement? Sure. Sounds interesting.

 Day 1 of "Spring Break". 3/14/20
If all had gone as planned, I would currently be in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. I was supposed to go on a school trip to Washing D.C. and New York City, but this pesky little global epidemic got in the way. I really haven't done anything yet today, but I'm planning on doing art and chores. Maybe I'll do a workout. Exciting, yes? 

I recently finished a portrait of Alia Shawkat. And you know what? I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The eyes are a little wonky, but that's ok. You can find out more about her here

I got phó yesterday from the phó place by my house. That stuff is so phócking good. 
If I could, all I would eat is Asian food.

Since everyone loves sharing information about Coronavirus, here's
5 Covid facts I've Decided To Share With You*
*These are not meant to be taken seriously

  1. You are 100% more likely to be affected by the virus if you have it
  2. There's a 72.4% chance my mom is already sick of me
  3. I've seen roughly 5,000,000,000 BuzzFeed articles about social distancing
  4. Wizards have 50% better chance of getting the virus than Muggles
  5. This list was supposed to be way longer but I ran out of ideas real fast

 Wow that list was so interesting! Number 4 was crazy!

So, that about wraps up this post. Feel free to check out last year's posts if you haven't already for some more mediocre jokes. Keep your eyes out for some inconsistent updates from your favorite "daily blogger"!

Have fun, stay safe, and don't hoard hand sanitizer. It doesn't help.


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