Cats N Stuff

Last week, we went to this place called Rosslyn Chapel. Ooooooh. It's a really old church that was built in the ancient years. This building is one of the big things in the DaVinci Code, which is apparently a popular movie or something.

I'm kidding.

I knew that the movie existed. In fact, in one of the lounges in the house, there's only 3 movies: The DaVinci Code, another copy of The DaVinci Code, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! It's a very wide variety of movies.

Okay, back to the church. This thing is legit. It's got gargoyles, it's got lions, it's got... buttresses (things that hold up the roof). Yup, that's actually what they're called. Yeah, you can laugh, because the name is ridiculous. I mean, even "roof holder-uppers" would be better than that!

"Buttress". Jeesh.

The old-timey folk we're real immature, let me tell you.

This chapel had a c a t. It was a beautiful, majestic, wonderful child of light. It was awesome.

I would like to clarify that this cat was alive. His name was William and he was adorable and he's  my new best friend. I'd you want to learn more about good ol Will then you can click here.

So the chapel was cool. There were a lot of symbols and stuff that had to do with history and all that, but my favorite part was a story about 2 of the carvers that worked on the inside of the chapel.

                            ***THE STORY***
So the master carver had a really cool idea for this one pillar. He goes out on this long quest to get inspiration and make it really cool. Well, while he was away, his apprentice had a dream of an even better design. He got approval from the boss of the whole thing to carve the pillar the way he dreamed it.

When the master carver got back, he was mad because he just went on a super long journey to find this plan for a pillar and his apprentice did it instead? He was like "no" and then he killed his apprentice.

Well the other workers, to get back at him for murdering someone, carved his face right across from the pillar that the apprentice carved. That way, the master carver will forever have to look at the thing that ruined his life.

Rosslyn Chapel 10/10 will share with my peers.

One of the gargoyles on the chapel


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